2017年11月30日 星期四

Rainbow Bridge 彩虹橋

The Rainbow Bridge

There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. 
It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colours.
Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadow, hills and valleys with lush green grass. 
When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place.
There is always food, water and warm spring weather.
Those old and frail animals are young again.Those who are maimed are made whole again.
They play all day with each other. 
There is one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth. 
So, each day they run and play until the day comes.
When one suddenly stops playing and looks up, the nose twitches, the ears are erect, 
the eyes are staring ……. and this one suddenly runs from the group.
You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take them in your arms and embrace. 
Your face is kissed again and again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pets.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated. 

有一座橋連著接天與地, 叫做 “ 彩虹橋 ”。 
因為它著繽紛的色彩橋這一端是綿延的草原, 山丘與河谷, 一片綠草如茵。
每當心愛的寵物死後, 牠就會去那個地方。那裏永遠都有食物, 水和溫暖的春天。
老而虛弱的動物再度年青, 殘障的動物會再度健全。
整日一起玩耍, 牠們只缺少一樣東西, 少了在地上愛牠們的人。
所以牠們每天玩, 每天奔跑。
直到有一天, 其中一隻, 突然停止玩耍, 抬頭看 ! 
鼻子掀動, 耳朵豎直, 眼睛睜大 !  突然從動物群中跑開 !  
牠看見了你, 當你和你特別的朋友再次相遇, 你將牠抱在懷中, 你的面被親了又親, 
你再一次的凝視, 那一對信賴你的眼睛。
然後你們就可以一起走過彩虹橋, 永不分離

